to Write Web Copy and Social Media Content:
Spruce up Your Website Copy, Blog Posts and Social Media Content
How to Write Web Copy and
Social Media Content: Spruce up Your Website Copy, Blog Posts and
Social Media Content is more
than an online writing book. While writing for online media is the
focus, the book
takes writers through the important writing process--showing
them how to think before they write. Then it demonstrates how to apply
this process to website copy, including structuring copy on websites,
blog posts and social media such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
This book is for those
who want to make their website and blog copy sparkle and boost the
effectiveness of their social media content.
The book is based on
business-writing and online and social media copywriting courses that
the author teaches for University of Toronto continuing
education students and for corporate clients.
short, How
to Write Web Copy and Social Media Content
will help you
- organize your
thoughts before you write
- become a more
effective and efficient online writer
- make your points
in a clear, concise, easy to read/scan manner
- achieve your
purpose and obtain feedback (if so desired).

book is all about
communicating more effectively online so your readers understand why
you are writing and what action, if any (remember, a "click" is an
action), you need them to take. It is filled with samples, examples
and exercises to get you writing for various online media