it Right: How to Write Speeches and Presentations
to How to
Write Speeches and
a book written specifically for those who want to improve their writing
skills and apply them to writing speeches and presentations. The book
is based on writing workshops that I have taught for corporate clients
and other writers. This book is for you if you are looking to:
- become
a more efficient and effective writer;
- organize
your thoughts before you write;
- write
for a defined audience and engage that audience;
- make
your points in a clear, concise, focused manner
- apply
your writing skills specifically to speeches and presentations.
How to Write Speeches and
focuses on the writing process to get you thinking about your audience,
purpose and desired outcome before you start to write. Then it helps
you create an outline and effectively write in a clear, concise,
well-structured, focused manner. You will come to understand the
importance of following the writing process because, simply put,
writing is a process. To improve your writing, you need to understand
the process and apply it in a dedicated and disciplined manner.
As Jerry Seinfeld says, "According to most studies, people's number one
fear is public speaking. Number two is death. That means to the average
person, if you have to go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket
than doing the eulogy." If you are confident in your words and writing,
you may still have butterflies (or wish you were in a casket) but the
overall delivery will become that much easier.
This book will help you overcome the feeling of intimidation and make
you a stronger, more confident, writer and speaker. It will help you
write in a more focused manner and will help you effectively structure
your written communication when writing speeches and presentations.
