to Write Media Releases
to promote Your Business, Organization or Event
Includes chapters on generating publicity using blogs
and social
If you are not telling your story, who
often regard advertising with
skepticism, but if they read a
similar message in a newspaper or magazine article, then they seek out
information - which can have a positive impact on your bottom
line, on attendance at your event ,or on your social or political
The proof? Public
relations generates
28% of sales inquiries, according
to a consumer and business purchasing pattern study by Inquiry Handling
Services. However, many organizations neglect this cost-effective
marketing tool. When it comes to writing effective media releases, you
need to know what makes the media tick.
to Write Media Releases to Promote
your Business, Organization or Event, explains:
- How PR differs
from paid advertising
- What editors and
journalists consider
- How to focus
your media release on your news
- How to write
concise media releases and media
advisories that demand attention
- Who should
receive your media releases
- How to send
media releases
- When and how to
follow up on your releases
The Third Edition of How To Write Media
includes more examples of media releases and media advisories and more
exercises to help your organize and write your media releases.
In addition, the book includes two
new chapters on generating
publicity using blogs and social media
such as LinkedIn,
Facebook and Twitter.
All prices subject to change
Kindle (
( &CND5.95
Kobo, iPad, Sony: $US5.95

fired off a Media Release and it resulted in an interview and TV spot
the very next day. My clients and I are thrilled with the early
success." - Michele Peterson,
freelance writer
"Paul Lima
delivers the goods... His information was exactly what our members are
looking for. His material was fresh and timely." - Book Promoters
Association of Canada