You Wanted
To Know About
Freelance Writing
to Develop
Article Ideas and
Sell Them to Newspapers and Magazines
and How
to Find, Price, and Manage
Corporate Writing Assignments
Everything You Wanted To
Know About
Freelance Writing combines two
popular business of
freelance writing books in one comprehensive book...
- The Six
Freelancer demonstrates
how to plan and market your way to freelance writing
in the lucrative corporate market.
Paul Lima's Everything You Wanted To
Know About
Freelance Writing really
delivers! The material is useful--no, make that critical--for
who wants to survive and prosper in this business. Lima's section on
generating article ideas, alone, is worth the price of the book. Highly
recommended. - Tony Levelle,
freelance writer (LinkedIn)
I found
your book, Everything You Wanted To
Know About
Freelance Writing, practical
as well as valuable.
I've read just about every book on freelance
writing on the
market and I'm beyond the "start-up" phase, but I still found your book
beneficial--particularly how it helped me update my business plan....
In addition, I've read a great deal of advice on setting rates, but
your breakdown of billable hours allowed me to see not only where I
needed to be, but how I am going to get there.
- Kathryn Messer, KMC
Review: How do you
teach an old dog new
tricks? When it comes to writing, I discovered the
answer is
simple; get your hands on Paul Lima’s Harness the Business
Writing Process and Everything You Wanted to
Know About
Freelance Writing.
They are like mini-workshops packed with
practical instructions and exercises. I would not be writing
successful copy and articles today
without Paul Lima’s handbooks and guidance.
- Alastair Barnett (www.thewritingbutler.com)
"One of the
best things I have purchased for my business (not counting my computer)
is Paul Lima’s Everything
You Wanted to Know About Freelance Writing... I
recommend this book for new freelance writers and for seasoned
veterans." - Heidi Turner
All prices subject to change |

More Reviews
expert plan, as outline in
your book, has demystified the marketing and other business aspects of
writing for me. I find your instructions to be straight forward,
informative, and valuable. " - Bonnie Zink
wisdom in Paul Lima's books made my dream of being a mompreneur come
true. His practical
freelancing tips helped me build a business around my passion for
writing and editing. Thanks to his creative exercises and methodical
approach, I landed corporate clients and publication work, and I feel
exhilarated!" - Lisa Goller
Bookstores, educational
institutions, libraries, and writers' organization can order
book through Ingram
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