To Write Anything
Format Of What
You Write May Change
But The Process Of Writing
Anything Remains The Same
Introduction to How
To Write Anything
This book is called How To Write
and I confess there is some ego involved in the title. But then I've
been a professional writer for over 40 years. As one of Canada's most
successful writers and authors, I have written hard news articles, soft
news and feature articles, advertising and promotional copy, media
releases, reports and proposals, case studies, research papers, email
messages, website content, tweets, blog posts, and other online
content. I have also written over 20 books on business, promotional and
online writing and other topics, such as writing articles, memoir
writing and living with Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that I have, but
one that has not prevented me from writing or training. I've also
written a collection of short stories, poetry, and a couple of plays.
while I haven't written everything, I've written many things.
fact is that you can't read this book and go forth and write anything
if you are not familiar with the format or structure of the document
that you want to write--be it non-fiction or fiction. For instance, if
you want to write a report, you do so using the methods in this book.
However, you have to know how to structure reports. The same is
applicable to email, social media content, articles, promotional
content, case studies, reports, white papers, PowerPoint presentations,
speeches, website content, short stories or novels.
some of you reading this book might still have some learning to do.
However, I suspect most of you know the structure of the documents you
want to produce and you will be able to immediately apply the methods
outlined in the book to writing any document that you need to write.
you might not apply the details of this book to writing poetry or
plays. However, there is much in this book on an exercise called
clustering and clustering will help you write any document, including
poetry. In addition, the process outlined here will work for writing
plays, but I don't address dialogue. With that in mind, read on and
learn how to write most things. Or what I am calling anything. In
short, when it comes to How To Write Anything, the thinking, exercises,
and techniques presented in this book are for people who want to write,
no matter what they want to write.
you sure about fiction?" I hear you ask.
the focus of this book is on writing non-fiction, the process spelled
out here is applicable for writing fiction. In fact, there are sections
in the book explicitly for fiction writers.
non-fiction?" you may ask.
It does not matter the style you use or the type of document that you
need to produce. For instance, you might write in an expository style,
a style in which your purpose is used to inform or explain. You might
write in a persuasive manner, state your opinion, and attempt to
influence the reader. You might write in narrative style or write
creative non-fiction. Or your writing may be descriptive, writing that
uses the five senses to paint a picture for the reader. No matter the
style, this book will work for you.
matter the type of document, How to Write Anything outlines the process
you follow to eliminate the blank page and outline your document before
you write. You will know what it is you want to write before you start
the formal process of writing. In other words, this book will get you
to the point where it is all over but the writing by showing you how to
create a detailed and logical outline of any document that you want to
the process spelled out here will make you a more effective and
efficient writer.
how to write just about anything you want to write is what this book is
all about. So let's get on with figuring out how to do it....

1 / Writer’s greatest fear?
2 / Eliminate blank page before you write
3/ Follow the Writing Process
4 / Before you begin...
5 / Pre-Writing Exercise: Freefall
6 / Brainstorming and Clustering
7 / Creating Outlines
8 / Writing Email Messages
9 / Start with purpose
10 / Proposals and Reports
11 / For Fiction Writers
12 / Active/Passive Sentences
13 / Paragraphs and Transitions
14 / Editing and Revision
the Author
by Paul Lima