Paul Lima
Non-fiction Author. Novelist.

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How to Write a Non-fiction Book
in 60 Days

Including How to Use AI to
Help Write Your Book

Fifth Edition

Ideal for consultants, workshop leaders, speakers, or freelance writers, who want to write a solid first draft of a non-fiction book

Want to write a non-fiction book? Learn how to take your book  from idea and  inspiration  to completion in days, not years.

Do you have a book just waiting to come out?
Are you procrastinating because you think it will take you years to write?

How to Write a Non-fiction Book in 60 Days
  will show you how to write a comprehensive first draft you can send to an agent or publisher or one you can edit and self-publish - in just 60 days.

And you can write your book in even less time when you use AI, as 60 Days shows you how to do.

How To Write A Non-fiction Book In 60 Days takes you, step-by-step, from your book  idea to a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline, to a solid first draft - in 60 days.

In addition tohelping you write your book, 60 Days includes bonus chapters:
  • using AI to help you more quickly outline and write your book
  • self-publishing using print on demand and e-book distributors to get your book in major online retailers, at no cost to you
  • writing effective sentences and paragraphs
Paul Lima is a successful freelance writer, writing instructor and author of 40 books.

How to Write a Non-fiction Book



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